Wednesday, 16 March 2011


A new play by Nick Dear, based on the novel by Mary Shelley, back in the 19th century. It was June 1816, she was holidaying on the Lake of Geneva, quite a party, on cold and wet evenings they sat around a blazing wood fire, occasionally amusing themselves with goast stories, with two of her friends they decided to each write a tale founded on some supernatural occurrence... Two years later Mary's "tale" had become a full-lenght novel.
The Pursuit of Perfection, making a dead frog's legs twitch? Dr Darwin, someone said, had managed to bring a piece of pasta to life. Paradoxically, the dead pulsate with life-force. There "life changes to death and death to life" and "the worm inherits the wonder of the eye."The womb and the grave are, in Frankenstein,very close.
The Creature may curse his Creator, but cannot resist his gifts. So it is with us. Science answers our needs and so makes us anew; yet our needs turn out to be unquenchable. We are already its Creatures; we have always been.
Fantastic set and lighting design, have been inspired yet again, will take it along into my final project. Horribly good and truly, deeply monstrous.

Frankenstein - Productions - National Theatre

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